Academy Of Archivists

During the Ceaseless Fray, Methuselans created the Academy to institutionalize record keeping.

The Sol Ascendency revised history as they saw fit during the war. Losses were erased, retreats were recorded as victories, and minor victories were listed as major turning points.

Regardless of the interference of the government, the Academy did manage to record day to day events, create archives of technology, catalog every colony, and keep a census of the non-combat population.

The Academy persisted through the end of the war into the Second Golden Age. Their archives were largely maintained on Earth, which had to be evacuated during the Stellar Decay. They moved them to an underground facility on Mars for a time before the Sol system was completely abandoned.

The new capital of humanity was the final location of the Academy. This planet was lost during The Collapse, and remains unknown to this day. The Methuselans who oversaw the Academy did take part in the Great Confluence, heading to the Core Worlds with the rest of humanity. However, the Academy itself was never reestablished.