

Having been exposed to Voldeflus which was altered by Samalek’s machinations (and surviving); Amerdus are bestowed upon them the gift of eternal life, but with a cost. Amerdus are permeated with Voldenflus, which destroys the Essence within them. They need to regularly feed upon the blood of living things to absorb their life essence.

Throughout all of humanity’s long history, many things were forgotten, but myths of monsters lurking in the primordial darkness persist. This has earned them the presumptive title of vampire. There is a second option for those with the right contacts however. The 2nd Order of Amerdus still maintains the old machines (created by the now extinct 3rd Order) which churn out Scorched Blood. The murky fluid has both the potential to create new Amerdus when it is transfused into a human, and to replenish an Amerdus without the need for blood/Essence.

The first Amerdus appeared around the year 350 PC, so none are older than ~2000 years.