Ashley Warwick

Full Name: Ashley (Ash) Lynn Warwick
Rank: Senior Sgt. (2385) – Retired (2408)
MOS: Sniper

Height: 1.67m
Age: 27 (2385) – 50 (2408)
DOB: February 18th, 2358
Parents: Unlisted

Description: Optimistic, idealistic, caring, traumatized (later), short brunette hair, capable, doesn’t have anything to prove, joyful eyes.

History: Grew up a rich girl in southern Calcinam. Went to basic training with Liz Westman, with their last names so close, they ended up as bunkmates. While they went to separate duty stations, they maintained their friendship. Later, when Nomad Group 1 was formed, Liz recommended that Ashley be brought in.