The habitable cluster of star systems in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. This was where humanity was led by the Lacir after The Collapse, and remains the center of their territory.
The official designation of this region of space is the Demetus Cluster in the Celarean Nebula.
Star | Primary Planet |
α | Ares – The human capital world. All 5 major governments, all corporate headquarters and the Isylorian Order are based here. |
β | Delphor – A lush paradise world with high mountains. Agriculture and Tourism. |
γ | Klement – A small dry world, rich in mineral resources. TASCOM Fleet Docks. |
δ | Aurios – A rocky fortress world. EBRIS launched the Consolidation Wars here. |
ε | Heigarn – A hot and humid oceanic world. Biotech and Fusion Fuels. |
ζ | Itoria – A cold and dry world. Military Training and Manufacturing. |
η | Valguese – A young planet wracked by volcanism. Mining and Prisons. |
The Core Worlds all contain regions controlled by all 5 superpowers. Colony worlds further out in human space are more sporadically occupied by the various governments.