The Major Corporations (Stock Exchange Code)
Note: This list contains all the major corporations with buildings in the Corporate Park (and a few elsewhere). It’s currently incomplete. I still need to finish some of the logo edits and finish filling out information. But as it’s not overly important, it got put on the back burner for now.
Defense Contractor (Northern Bloc), Manufacturing, and Flux Research
Nordmauer is one of the oldest corporations in the Core Worlds. They are closely aligned with the Northern Block government and are rumored to be working on dangerous Flux related projects in their mountain complex in the western regions of the Northern Block mainland.
Corporate Colors: Red, black and gray.
CEO: Hans Felder
Revenue: 249B
HQ: A massive 7 tower complex to the north of the Corporate Park.
Genarren Industrocorp (GIC)
Genarren is diversified powerhouse in the Core Worlds. They focus on Manufacturing and Finance, giving them tremendous resources to bring to bear if need be.
Corporate Colors: Blue and silver
CEO: Miles Laurence
Revenue: 217B
HQ: The 3rd tallest building in the Corporate Park, at the SW corner of the north sector.
Trade Authority and Security Command – TASCOM
TASCOM is another very old company, they were formed from the old Interstellar Commerce Legislature. They are the de facto space navy for humanity’s divided empire. While not officially associated with any one government, Northern Bloc owns a majority stake in the company.
Corporate Colors: Red, white and gold.
CEO: Tahara Melin
Revenue: 31B (after upkeep)
HQ: Their command facilities are located near the NMI complex, north of the Corporate Park.
Armatech Systems (ATS)
Armatech is one of the main suppliers of military ground vehicles in the Core Worlds. Their current claim to fame is the Paladin – mark VII Main Battle Tank. Almost every solider in the government’s militaries have ridden in an Armatech vehicle.
Corporate Colors: Blue and black.
CEO: Ariel Haywood
Revenue: 124B
HQ: A typical hight building on the east side of the Corporate Park’s south sector.
Rottercam Research Corporation (RRC)
Rottercam focuses on electronics and exotic weapons. Much of the electronics found throughout the Core Worlds come from their factories. They are also one of a few companies that manufacture AdTac rifles. Within their security forces are many armed VTOLs, which is exceeding unusual.
Corporate Colors: Black and gray.
CEO: Salvatore Richardson
Revenue: 122B
HQ: They moved into the old Deitech HQ after the raids in 2379. A massive, black building of strange angles at the south end of the Corporate Park.
Verdosk PetroKhem (VPK)
Verdosk is a company based in the EBRIS. They started out as a fossil fuel company in the early days, when humanity was crawling back to power after the collapse. Now they mainly focus of plastics and chemical manufacturing, while also being a major defense contractor.
Corporate colors: Green and black.
CEO: Brandin Alderov
Revenue: 142B
HQ: Their HQ is located in the EBRIS capital of Volensk. They have a smaller building opposite the Genarren HQ on the east side of the Corporate Park’s northern sector.
Nihama Nanomedical (NNM)
Cyberonics and nanomed devices.
Corporate Colors: Green and red.
CEO: Hiran Satoh
Revenue: 187B
HQ: They have a fairly large building adjacent to the Calcinam Medical Center, of the west side of the Corporate Park’s south sector.
Velsius Shipbuilders Corporation (VSC)
Spacecraft manufacturing.
Corporate Colors: Blue and yellow.
CEO: Kai Lanaway
Revenue: 206B
HQ: Corporate Park
Ryodex Waffenschmiedeunternehmen (RWSD)
Weapons manufacturing.
Corporate Colors: Gray and white.
CEO: Hans Mueller
Revenue: 82B
HQ: Corporate Park
Arc Vector (AVX)
Spacecraft reactors and engines.
Corporate Colors: Light blue and black.
Kaiser Computer Technologies (KAI)
Computer hardware.
Corporate Colors: Green and purple.
Revenue: 98B
HQ: Corporate Park
Weapon modifications (both factory mods and kits) and accessories.
Corporate Colors: Red, black and silver.
Revenue: 55B
HQ: Corporate Park
Lieger Steinberg (LSX)
Missile weapons and military rifles.
Corporate Colors: Blue, green, and silver
Revenue: 82B
HQ: Corporate Park
JPEX Armacorp (JPEX)
Jaeger Powered Exoskeletal Armor Corporation – Supplier of TASCOM Power Armor.
Corporate Colors: Black and gold.
Revenue: 38B
HQ: Corporate Park
Other Corporations
Sten-Sabel Arms SN-SL (SSA)
Weapons and automotive.
Corporate Colors: Black and silver
Revenue: 77B
HQ: Corporate Park
T/KMR Research Corporation (TKMR)
Industry standard computer operating systems.
Corporate Colors: Green and white.
Revenue: 142B
HQ: Corporate Park
7th Sun Technologies (SST)
Computer hardware and software.
Corporate Colors: Gold and silver
Revenue: 62B
HQ: Corporate Park
Marich Arms Corporation (MAC)
Weapons – Shotguns and AdTac Munitions.
Corporate Colors: Red and white
Revenue: 32B
HQ: Corporate Park
URM National Arms (UNA)
Weapons – URM Nationalized Corporation
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 28B
HQ: San Reales – Secondary in Corporate Park
Dalex Textiles (DTX)
Textiles and ballistic armor.
Corporate Colors: Black, white, and silver.
Revenue: 78B
HQ: Corporate Park
Global Research And Security (GRS)
Defense contractor and Paramilitary Agency (owns Hermann Arms).
Corporate Colors: Blue and orange.
Revenue: 51B
HQ: Corporate Park
Anton, Sillman, Krouch and Remmer – Direct Energy Weapons and Fusion Technology
They are one of a few companies that has attempted to make man-portable energy weapons. While their success in that endeavor is highly questionable, they are a primary manufacturer of civilian fusion power systems.
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 131B
HQ: Corporate Park
Delcon Industries (DCI)
Electromechanical components and Cyberonics.
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 68B
HQ: Corporate Park
Centris Computer Technologies (CCT)
Software (Macro-Program Scripts)
Corporate Colors: Tan and white.
Revenue: 22B
HQ: Corporate Park
Retting Materials (RMX)
Mining and refining.
Corporate Colors: Gold, blue, and brown.
Revenue: 54B
HQ: Corporate Park
Gestalt Entertainment Incorporated (GEI)
Entertainment – Information Distribution.
Corporate Colors: Red, black, and silver.
Revenue: 72B
HQ: Corporate Park
Odakon Education Associates (OEA)
A network of companies dealing in Educational Information and Materials.
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 18B
HQ: Corporate Park
VerannaBank Corporation (VBC)
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 94B
HQ: Corporate Park
Liemann Aviation Corporation (LAC)
VTOL and Atmospheric Aircraft.
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 34B
HQ: Corporate Park
FormaTech (FTX)
Exuded and Grown Materials (rigid body armor).
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 62B
HQ: Corporate Park
Dynamics Automated Electronics (DAE)
Robotics and Cyberonics.
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 83B
HQ: Corporate Park
Central Security Corporation (CSC)
Civilian Security.
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 44B
HQ: Corporate Park
Rhallings Aquatics (RAX)
Surface shipbuilders.
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 136B
HQ: Corporate Park
Heilgan Logistics Corporation (HLC)
Corporate Colors:
CEO: Harlowe Heilgan
Revenue: 122B
HQ: Corporate Park
Senconn Group (SGX)
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 81B
HQ: Corporate Park
Reucomm Networks (RNX)
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 61B
HQ: Corporate Park
Sys-Link Technologies (SLT)
Computers and Network Solutions.
Corporate Colors:
Revenue: 98B
HQ: Corporate Park
Vekaar Manufacturing (VMX)
Textiles – Isylorian Order Clothing and Armor
Corporate Colors: Yellow
Revenue: 23B
HQ: Corporate Park