This corporation was founded in 2275 PC, after a merger of several United Republic Of Mercaulis based companies that were developing Inter-Realm Constructs.
In the 2350s, Deitech began making Essence infused products. They were extremely popular, as the essence infusion acted as a power source and allowed for all manner of efficient and portable devices.
In 2375 PC, an embargo on their goods was enacted in an agreement between the Cartel, Northern Bloc and EBRIS. The Cartel feared that Deitech would gain a monopoly in various product sectors and Northern Bloc recognized their growing power as a threat to national security. The Saigatani Federation signed into the embargo later that year.
While the United Republic Of Mercaulis and the Viltorian Combine did not join the embargo, they did nothing to stop the others from restricting Deitech trade.
In 2379 PC, Northern Bloc declared that Deitech was a threat to humanity. With the backing of the Isylorian Order, they raided all known Deitech facilities and wiped them out in a single night.
Rumors: Deitech equipment and personnel were transferred to Nordmauer Industries and the church. As to what they were doing with the remnants of the company is unknown.