Humanity’s first contact with alien beings.
The Falinjorin were somehow almost identical to humans. To such an extent, that once they came to Earth, we interbred with them and it was no longer possible to distinguish Falinjorin from human after a century.
The trace bloodlines that remain in humans is what causes some people to survive the reaction between Voldeflus and Lebenflus in the Fifth Realm.
Their dual nature is also why they did not understand the dangers of Voldeflus for humans. As they had been immersed in both types of essence for all of their existence. That’s said, they could not use Voldeflus for their magical abilities, only Lebenflus.
The Falinjorin were created by Mayckhyn at some point in the past. His father, the Isys’ir, expressed to his son that humans would evolve on Earth and be identical to Mayckhyn’s creation, albeit without the innate ability and mastery over essence.
It’s not clear if the Isys’ir actually steered human evolution or manipulated his son into creating something that would eventually exist. As the Isys’ir is capable of seeing all potential futures from his timeless seat within The Hub