This is the dominant religion that exists across human space. Only one splinter group exists, the Leducian Order. Other smaller groups may exist on colony worlds far from Ares, but any others are sought out and converted either by influence or force.
Officially Formed: 315 AR
The Inquisition Formed: ~350 PC
Expanded: 1400-1800 PC (After the nuclear war caused by the Northern Alliance)
The Purges: ~2100 PC (that was the last purge, there were more before it)
Also see: Church Structure
Almost 3100 years ago, the Isylorian Order began to take shape during the dark days at the end of the Second Golden Age. The Great Plague washed over humanity. It origins remained a mystery until the [[Morocaschic]]s attacked us during the worst of the crisis. 1400 years later (~350 PC), the first of the Amerdus appeared and were declared heresy, this era gave rise to the Inquisition.
Over the next two millennia, the church grew in power and held sway over governments and corporations alike. Following closely behind each of humanity’s pushes into new or reclaimed regions of space. Every new colony was joined by church missionaries, quickly arranging for a new temple to be built, so the blessings of the gods could be heard.
The religion is based on the worship of the Isys’ir; the “Father God” of the Isyrric pantheon. Regardless of their worship, their gods remain silent, but the church creates its own miracles. Most senior church leadership (including all of the Cardinals and the Servitor himself) and many of the low level staff have some Theomantic ability. How this is possible is unclear. The church calls it a blessing of the Isys’ir, but many are convinced there is more going on behind the scenes.
The abilities of many Vicars and some Deacons are used to heal the sick, and perform minor “miracles” for the people. Lending credence to the church’s holy authority, which rests unchallenged across most human worlds.
Every capital city on Ares has one Grand Cathedral. The church keeps a close eye on the populations and governments of the Core Worlds. Each of the other 6 planets in the Demetus Cluster has at least one Cathedral. Smaller temples are scattered around the various cities and towns across all of human space.
The Leducian Order is a splinter group that exists solely within the Viltorian Combine and its holdings. The Leducites are opposed to the hedonistic ways of the rest of humanity, and have vowed to oppose or convert all others to their Order.
The Isylorian Order tolerates the Leducians, so long as they remain within the borders of the Viltorian holdings. The Combine itself is a theocratic government, which is adherent to the Leducian faith.
The Great Purge. Also known as The Third Purge took place during the first half of the 2100s PC. This was the largest military action ever taken by the church and was aimed at the total eradication of the Amerdus. They were successful in cleansing the 1st and 3rd Orders of Amerdus, but the 2nd was too well embedded within society. The Inquisition is always seeking out Amerdus and other unholy entities throughout human space.