Demonym: Klemental (kleh-MEN-tall)
A small dry world, rich in mineral resources. TASCOM Fleet Docks.
Population: 14.3 billion
This was the first world visited by explorers from Ares in 202 PC. Despite is dry climate and relatively small amount of water, it is exceptionally mineral rich. This made it an ideal staging ground for further expansion.
The population that landed here at the end of The Collapse had struggled to rebuild on their own. They existed as a pre-industrial society, who welcomed assistance from off world.
Early terraforming efforts involved dropping comets into the southern ocean, as well as partially melting the ice caps.
Most cities are pleasant and temperate, but the massive amount of workers who moved here to mine and build spacecraft lead to hundreds of thousands of archologies being built. So several cities are naught but “forests” of massive structures.