The Kyserians are the first species to have evolved intelligence in the Milky Way Galaxy. They created the Laciryn (now Lacir) as a labor and military force, to protect their empire while they pursued scientific research and leisure. After an age, their creations strengthened and rebelled against them. Through many aeons of conflict, the Laciryns finally broke away and pushed their old masters to the very edge of the galaxy or beyond. Periodically, their entire civilization goes into a technologically supported torpor for millions of years.
The Lacir will not tolerate a Kyserian under any circumstance. Conversely, the Morocaschics see them as gods due to their past alliance and uplifting. Humans only know that they are the ancient enemy of the Lacir. Very little is known about their exact origins, even among themselves. But they are the only life-form that developed inter-realm Transit technology on their own (Kyserian Transit Engine). They then gifted that tech to the Morocaschics.

Territory: What remains of their empire exists in the diffuse tail of the Scutum-Centaurus arm of the Milky way. Wrapping about 1/5th of the way around, up-spin, outwards, and on the far side of Lacir territory from human space.
Biology: They are black-skinned, reptilian-like creatures, ~2.5m in length, with red eyes. They have six limbs, which can all be used for walking or manipulation. There is a 4 fingered “hand” on each limb with sharp claws on each digit. Their appearance can vary somewhat. The shape of the body, the crests on their head and neck, and their cyberonic upgrades are all mostly unique to each individual.
Along their back are 2 rows of 3 thick tentacles, half again as long as their body (with a seemingly random number of smaller tentacles), all of which they can use for grasping and climbing. Around the sides of their neck, there are smaller more dexterous tentacles that they use for manipulation. Almost all of them have cyberonic enhancements which allow for added protection and tool use. Usually enhancing their natural limbs, torso, eyes and sometimes a pair of smaller arms for manipulation.
Life Span: They live around 80 years and grow to maturity within 2-3 years. After this they learn very quickly and have their implants installed.
Magic: Kyserians can gain magic abilities the same way as humans. Most dismiss it as useless however, as they have technology to match many spells. If they are able to, and do decide to use magic, they are usually Technomancers.
Advantages: They are fast learners. Many are experts in multiple scientific and practical fields. Often significantly exceeding the most brilliant human minds.
They all have cyberonic implants and body parts. Usually in their limbs, torso and eyes. They all get a small pair of extra limbs for easy manipulation of tech and weapons.
They can attack with their large number of limbs and tentacles. They can hold melee weapons with their tentacles or use their claws. They are still limited to a normal amounts of ranged attacks.
They can climb extremely well. Even on flat surfaces, they can hold themselves to walls and ceilings with their tentacles. They can use their many limbs to climb trees, buildings and other structures.
They are quick and smart. Even a median ability Kyserian and quicker and smarter than an above average human.
Disadvantages: Their bodies are physically weak and easily injured.
Their limbs and tentacles are not particularly strong and aside from their cybernetic enhancements, they are frail, even by human standards.
They are adapted to hot and wet climates, tending toward jungles on human planets. They struggle in cold or dry climates.
They cannot speak without their tech. They use voice boxes which speak in various languages (including human). Otherwise they can only make hisses and click sounds, which is their natural/native language. Due to the strange, and seemingly random patterns and sounds, no other species can translate it.
Kyserians are exclusively carnivores.