

Slang: Thelan/Thelans


The Methuselans were created by various Flux Events across the millennia since the first contact with the Falinjorin.

Aside from a (thus far) indefinite lifespan, they aren’t terribly unlike normal humans physically. They absorb Lebenflus directly from the environment to sustain their bodies, requiring no food, water or rest.

In the current era, many of them are in hiding or working with various underground organizations and the Freeworlders. Governments and corporations alike have long sought them out to unravel the mysteries of the Aloracts.

Having seen how quickly knowledge can be lost on long time scales, they formed the Academy Of Archivists during the Ceaseless Fray. Which has led to a tradition of them recording history and preserving it for the future.

Their memory is no better than a normal human. So they must be meticulous in their record keeping. During the golden ages, this was a simple task. However during the various low-tech periods in between, they had struggled to maintain physical records of the most important events.

Despite their best efforts, detailed records before The Collapse and even as recently as the Little Dark Age, have largely been lost. The grand sweeping changes of the past are relatively well known, but people, places, specific events, treaties, etc., are forever lost to time. This unfortunately includes The Bargain.

Not all Methuselans feel the call of archivism, some choose to simply live out normal lives. Avoiding those who would attempt to exploit the presumed knowledge they do not possess.