Northern Bloc is the primary superpower on Ares, the country formed after a civil war with the old EBRIS empire. They had both previously been part of the Northern Alliance.
Founded: 2031 PC
Capital: Calcinam
While officially an authoritarian state, there is a semblance of freedom within the country. However the people are watched closely and public opinion is measured and manipulated. As of late, there has been increasing tolerance for dissent among the population, drawing concern from some members of the senate about Director Klae’s leadership.
Northern Bloc was formed after a civil war broke out within the western EBRIS territories in 2031 PC. The similarities to the old Northern Alliance is unmistakable and concerning. Despite the civil war 350 years ago, they are now close allies with EBRIS.
975,450,000 (Ares)
632,987,000 (Off World)
Government Type: Bureaucratic Authoritarianism (Internally elected Senate and the Oberseher Direktorat (Director) as the executive branch)
Allied with:
Location: The western portion of Ludrasaria.
Northern Bloc encompasses the western portion of the northern continent on Ares. Comprising of mostly tundra and some farmland, and a large east-west mountain range. Aracosa Island is just offshore to the southeast and holds the nation’s capital.
Primary Industries:
Farming, aerospace, mining, heavy industry, weapons
1.15 TBC
Voluntary, with mandatory selective service registration. Anti-Freeworlder propaganda drives high recruitment numbers.
Northern Bloc is currently active in various skirmishes around human space and maintains several branches of elite units.
New service members are professional and immediately sent into combat duty.