The URM is made up of several dozen smaller countries that still act semi-autonomously as “states” within their borders.
Founding: 1162 PC
Capital: San Reales
URM citizens value their freedom above all else. This had led them to being in favor of the Freeworlders, regardless of their terrorist actions. Even after the near-destruction of San Reales in 2363 PC. The Freeworlders were blamed, but many URM citizens believe that is was a false flag attack by another country, but it has never been proven.
This has also caused them to support the independence movement within the Border Worlds Alliance.
They strongly dislike the Theocratic system of their neighbors (Viltorian Combine) to the south, and have built up a significant DMZ between them. However much of the border lies deep in the jungle and across impassable mountain ranges (known as Baird’s Expanse), leading to large areas of un-protected border (there is still satellite surveillance). These areas are generally unwanted by either country, so they are left as one of the few remaining lawless/autonomous regions on the planet.
Fearing the aggression of the Northern Alliance, the various countries of northern Valcaeus signed a mutual protection pact in the early 1100s PC, but ultimately decided to consolidate into one large country.
1,713,207,000 (Ares)
972,265,000 (Off World)
Government Type: Capitalist Oligarchy
Allied with:
They control the northern portion of the central continent on Ares.
Primary Industries:
Agriculture, mining, weapons, shipbuilding, automotive, aerospace.
0.9 TBC
Incentivized volunteer service. The government will pay for college tuitions, forgive state debts or negotiate forgiveness for private loans after a period of service.
The URM is not fighting any significant wars or skirmishes at this time. They have many of their service members stations on off world colonies as security garrisons or along the DMZ with the Viltorian Combine.