Viltorian Combine


The Viltorian Combine is a group of semi-independent states that were highly exploited during the rebuilding phase on Ares under the Gnaltic Empire. After the empire’s collapse, they formed a provisional government that would oversee their various factions. This would eventually lead to the current government in 1322 PC during the consolidation of nations against aggression from the Northern Alliance.

Founding: 1322 PC

Capital: Casiguay


The Viltorian people are a deeply religious group, who have been exploited and persecuted for millennia. They are fiercely defensive of their territory excluding Baird’s Expanse. They do not like outsiders. Despite having some absolutely amazing geography in their country, they have shut down all attempts at tourism.

People migrated to the region in the early stages of rebuilding after The Collapse. A Planet Ship wreck was found on Ganamied Island to the east and many people wanted to carve out a better life while salvaging that tremendous bulk.

The people were exploited however. The Gnaltic Empire used them as slave labor and ignored their medical needs, after being exposed to toxins and radiation from the wreckage. This lead to them turning to religion. The Isylorian Order extended a hand to the Viltorani, and for a time, they fully embraced the religion.

They are extremely fearful/hateful of Mancers, Amerdus, and other “unnatural” humans. They purged many in their past.

The first Cathedral was built in 1611 PC in Casiguay.

By the 1800s PC, the Viltorani felt that the rest of humanity was becoming too hedonistic and created their own faith based on the founding principles of their religion. They created the Leducian Order in 1843 PC. The Isylorian Order immediately sent emissaries to bring them back into the fold, but they were rejected outright. The Inquisition was brought in and after a few skirmishes, the Viltorani acquiesced to negotiations.

While they were unwilling to go along with the demands of the church, they signed a treaty to keep their religion inside their own borders. There is still and uneasy peace between the two.

1,602,940,000 (Ares)
72,519,000 (Off World)

Government Type: Theocracy

Allied with:

Location: Valcaeus

The Viltorian Combine encompasses the southern end of the central continent on Ares. Comprising of mostly equatorial jungle, a large north-south mountain range with a desert coast to the east.

Primary Industries:
Fruits, Feedstock, Shipping/Shipbuilding, Silica

0.25 TBC

All men are required to serve for 4 years, unless they choose to become missionaries for the same duration. Women are allowed in supply and support roles only.
Most of their military serves along the DMZ and or acts as national police in the country.

VC Army Patch
VC Soldier